WebConnector Chrome Extension for SmartCard-Reader and SpeechMike Microphones
- WebConnect Chrome Extension for SmartCard-Reader and SpeechMike Microphones
In order to use SmartCard Reader and Philipps SpeechMike microphones in an RDP session in the Chrome browser on the remote device, this extension must be installed.
You can find the extension in the Chrome Webstore:
WebConnect chrome
- If the extension has been successfully installed, you will see the following image
- if you want to use the WebConnect in the incognito window with the extension, you must allow this in the browser settings for the extension. By default, extensions are disabled in incognito mode.
- This dialogue box will guide you through the installation:
- You can now choose, what you want to install:
First the WebConnect Browser Extension so you can use SmartCart Reader from your local device on the remote device and second if you also want to use Philips Speech devices, for example for dictations and speech recognition
- Next, the WebConnect Browser Extension will start installing the native component. Please click the checkbox and then select Install
- You're now done with the installation