Home office and remote work is becoming the standard these days, companies have to adapt to it and adjust processes and IT to it. WebConnect is the easy way to get there without setting up VPN connections that are difficult to maintain. WebConnect does not require any client installations as it is used entirely in the browser via HTTPS. With WebConnect, all data stays in the company and WebConnect works from anywhere where the Internet is available.
WebConnect is always on-premises with the customer, there is no central data storage at the provider. Managing your connections with all your users and shared data on your own network without access to third-party systems increases the security of your system. Like the connection database, the user database is located exclusively in the WebConnect installation.
Since WebConnect always runs in the browser, it can be used on any end device. No installation effort is required on the user's end devices. Although WebConnect also runs on mobile devices in the browser, WebConnect offers apps for IOS and Android that run on mobile phones and tablets and are optimized for small screens.
From a large company to a single employee, the benefits of the WebConnect system will make remote access to your network easy from anywhere in the world.